Client Testimonial - eMotors Direct

Hi Agri-Marketer,

I recently recorded a Company Showcase with eMotors Direct. They have the largest online selection of electronic motors. They carry Farm duty motors and wanted to get in front of Canadian Farmers.

We recorded an episode for The Impact Farming Show that would both share their story AND provide informative content for farmers.

It was a SUCCESS!!!!

The video aired last week and is currently being viewed/listened to daily by farmers from across Canada.

eMotors is thrilled with the results.

You can catch the episode <HERE> or by clicking on the link below....

Testimonial - eMotors Direct Inc.

Don't take it from me.

Here's what eMotors Direct had to say about their newly recorded episode and their experience working with us on their "Company Showcase" opportunity.

"We are very happy with the episode - your passion for the industry certainly shines through and made for an engaging conversation. I can see you have a very engaged audience with all the views the video has racked up already. We'll be posting the episode as a three part series on our YouTube page as well and using the content for email nurture with our existing Ag customers.

We appreciate your support for eMotors! Looking forward to potentially working together again down the road. It was a true pleasure."

Jill Wallace, Director of Marketing and Operations, eMotors Direct Inc.

Video Story Telling 

"If you are not telling your story, who is?"

I love sitting down and speaking with a company representative, asking the who, what, where, and why's of their company. Helping them provide knowledge to our audience of farmers while naturally positioning their company as product experts in their category.

So, as you make your 2024 marketing plans and budgets, I would like to remind you…

“Don’t forget about video!”

If you are excited to share your message but camera shy.

Please don't be.

I hear it all the time, and once we are done, everyone thinks the entire process was a breeze and a small cost, literally and figuratively, to place their company in front of their potential customers.

Truly, you don't need an Amazon-type success story to be video worthy. Your company mission and desire to help farmers is your story. You also don't need to be Holly Wood trained to appear on camera. You, your knowledge, and your desire to help ALL you need.

Simply click <here> to book your consultation on our "Advertising To Farmers" website.

To your SUCCESS,

Tracy Brunet
Farm Marketer
Phone: (866) 609-1359
Email: [email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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