Who is Telling Your Company's Story?

Hi Agri-marketer,

One of the most wonderful things about being a marketer in 2023 is video. Video marketing gives companies the opportunity to bring their message to life. 

Next to farm shows, video marketing is the closest thing to being in front of farmers face to face, which is why I absolutely LOVE video. 

That is also precisely why video has exploded as a marketing strategy in recent years. 

Video is fast, effective, but most importantly...

Video helps companies share their story

Video is powerful!

The tragic thing?

Video is vastly underused in agriculture marketing.

As a platform, we offer all the traditional advertising tactics like display, newsletter, social media etc. But one of the things that really lights me up is helping companies share their story. Sitting down and chatting with a company representative, asking the who, what, where, and why. Helping them provide knowledge to our audience of farmers while naturally positioning their company as product experts in their category.

Here are a few examples of companies that have used our video marketing opportunities to place their products/services in front of Canadian farmers.

So, as you make your 2024 marketing plans and budgets, I would like to remind you… 

“Don’t forget about video!”

If you are excited to share your message but camera shy. 

Please don't be. 

I hear it all the time, and once we are done, everyone thinks the entire process was a breeze and a small cost, literally and figuratively, to place their company in front of their potential customers.

Truly, you don't need an Amazon-type success story to be video worthy. Your company mission and desire to help farmers is your story. You also don't need to be Holly Wood trained to appear on camera. You, your knowledge, and your desire to help farmers....is ALL you need.

If you are interested in having us share your story with our audience of farmers, please connect with me <here>.

I just finished recording a video with an online motor company that wants to place its products in front of Canadian farmers. I cannot wait for this segment to air next week.

We have video marketing solutions for big companies, small companies, product based companies, and service based companies. 

If you sell to farmers, let’s get your company in front of them.

Are you ready to tap into the power of video marketing for your company?

Ready to chat? Simply hit reply to this email or book your consultation <here> on our "Advertising To Farmers" website.

To your SUCCESS,

Tracy Brunet
Farm Marketer
Phone: (866) 609-1359
Email: [email protected]


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